Certificate of Pharmaceutical Products (COPP)
The National Health Authorities grant this CoPP certificate upon request from the consumer, the authorities, or the drug supplier in the importing country. This certificate refers to a particular product whether or not it is sold in the country of origin and also states that the manufacturer of the drug complies with GMP and that they are regularly inspected by the national health authorities
A CoPP is issued in the format which is recommended by WHO. It is the importing country which needs the CPP for the pharmaceutical product and a special type of certificate which allows the registration and marketing of a given pharmaceutical product in the exporting country of interest and forms sections of the application for marketing authorization. The CoPP is necessary when the drug is intended by the importing country for registration or renewal (licensing, authorization, or extension) for the scope of the product being sold or marketed in that country. A certificate has been recommended to assist the undersized drug regulatory authorities (DRA) or also without sufficient quality assurance (QA) facilities in WHO importing countries and also to determine the quality of pharmaceutical products according to import or registration requirements.
It is issued by the Inspectorate and the product supplier having GMP position and also the pharmaceutical, radiopharmaceutical, biological or veterinary drug status. The approved information is varied for various pharmaceutical formulations and strengths so it is often provided for a single product.
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